Ok. So if you're on my FB, and following what I've been ranting about, then you know what's in store for this post. Ok, onto the post.
Ok, I'm not sure who would read this, other than people I know... But, for anyone who doesn't know me. I am not Religious in any way. I don't believe "God" created the everything. I believe in Evolution. I TOLERATED my son going to Church w/my friend because he was in a class and not listening to the Sermon. It got him out of the house and interacting with other kids. {The ONLY reason I let him go.} What pisses me off is when someone tries to force their beliefs on MY child! We do not practice any religion in my Home. I refuse to sway my child into believing what I believe in and I absolutely REFUSE to let someone else try to force him to believe their beliefs. It's fucked up....
So when the boy came home from School today and started talking about how God created everything, I got angry. HOWEVER, I calmly asked him where he heard that from/who said that to him. And he said that his Teachers Assistant did. That REALLY pissed Mommy off. There's a REASON Religion isn't taught in school. How does the T.A. know if we're religious or not, you might wonder? Because, I've told them. It's not something that's news to them. I'm trying to remain calm and rational, but what the fuck was she thinking?! I don't tell my son we Evolved from Apes, or Sea creatures. Whatever. So, I'm a bit livid about that being said to my son. I don't do well when people say things to my children, like that, without speaking to me first....
My best friend is the one who used to take Zav to Church. But, she knew how I felt and she was never Preachy about anything. So, we're cool. She respects my beliefs and I respect hers. We're discussed our specific beliefs. And while our opinions differ, we can still talk about it calmly and like adults. Which is something a lot of people that have their heads up their asses about Religion CAN'T do. Ugh....
Ok, well I think that's it for now. I seem to have ran out of steam to continue my tirade about Religion and how it doesn't apply to my life lol
Until next time.
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